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Snyder, Abram P., April 4, 1947

Revision as of May 13, 2015 3:45:09 PM, created by

                                                      APR 7   RECD

Rt 1 Memphis, Michigan April 4, 1947

Pr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atom Scientists, Inc 90 Nassau St. Princeton, New Jersey Dear Mr. Einstein,

  Allow me to express my appreciation of your request for financial aid in "Atom Education" throughout the world, as printed in "CoOp News".
  I prefer to place the authority of this education work on informed scientists, rather than politicians, so called statesmen, or our military services.  
  I would appreciate any material which may be available to present to our community group meetings.  
  Enclosed find one dollar, my contribution to your effort.  
           Yours very truly
            Abram P. Snyder