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Posin, Daniel Q., March 16, 1948

Revision as of May 16, 2015 12:18:10 PM, created by

Did I lay it on!  Brother, brother. I think that you would have danced around.  They clapped for almost 5 minutes---boy oh boy oh boy.  Everything on the nose.  World Federation.  And how.  "What good does it do to fix guilt?  Our problem is to make a peaceful world not to hurl recriminations which is really water over the dam....."  Then I gave out 700 Einstein read9ing list and called for their mailed contributions to you.  Please let me know the nature of that response. 
 4.  I knew exactly what Einstein meant when he said "...village square."  The name of the new book-to-be is  "I Have Been to the Village."  The new journal "Physics Today" has heard of the impending publication and asked me to write a summary as a feature.  Which I soon will 
 5. Re faith in the work. What else is there.  I've got it cold 130%.  I know that it can be done---but I do wish that our hordes of young men would seek opportunities to talk at meetings and give all the way---that's what I meant when I wrote you that I think they may be spending too much time in Committee meetings... Prof. Pettengill of Univ.  South South. Calif.  (Atomic Implications---you probably know) wrote and asked what I do exactly and how---techniques;  he'd heard about the talks.  I replied: tell your boys to take off their coats and vests and pour it on for dear life- --However,  I did send him artist's drawings of my hands in various poses, and I sent him recording of speech (By the way,  the book will have those drawings-- and speech as taken down by stenographer;  plus many many experiences....). 
 6.  That crack about ECAS about to fold by  FAS is what got me to asking you recently about what the situation was.  I of course still do not know---but I infer that the FAS wants to operate via long range, isotope distribution,  Congress,  education here and there, etc.  All very nice.  While probably ECAS would like to go to heart of matter in one fell swoop--- Advocate World Federation--- get the people to calling for it...I go for that latter approach.  It's a typical Einsteinian mathematical solution of the problem --- everything else will be settled if that World Federation is obtained; whereas, the detailed work, the reverse, the buildup to the final solution has too many pitfalls, too long, too many channels, and no guarantee that it will really end up at desired goal.  I believe in cutting corners---the elaborate build-up is an unavailable luxury at the present time.  There is not enough time for it.  However, can't hurt.  Still, how unencouraging to find dissension.  I'll support both.  
 7.  Preacher went back to Hollywood, but others will take his place- ---though in my own meetings I don't go looking for any partners.  You'll be interested in typical peace of technique:  a guy from say a High School (Principal) writes me:  come speak to my students--in some town.  I reply:  Okay; but please also arrange two other meetings while I am there---get the Rotary Club and all other Service Clubs at noon-time together; later at 3PM I'll talk to your kids; then alas arrange an evening meeting for the entire town, advertize in papers and over radio, put in a loudspeaker system, and get closest radio broadcast station to come out and broadcast the evening talk.  The guy replies:  Okay, all fixed. 
   I've done this many times. Just got one fixed today.  They're happy to do it.  By the way, occasionally now am getting rumors of being now and