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Posin, Daniel Q., July 23, 1947

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July 23, 1947

Miss Mary E. Ray

Emergency Committtee of Atomic Scientists 

Room 28, 90 Nassau St. Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Miss Ray:

1. I am enclosing several letters and a check for $75. 
2. What can be said about my records?   I do not mean necessarily an evaluation of them if no one cares to make wonderful flattering remarks.. I mean,  do they still exist,  and will they be forwarded to NY?  There is someone there who wanted to hear them before the end of this month... However, if you need to hold them for some scientist to listen, why go ahead and hold them. 
3. I have made another set of records, this time at the invitation of the local broadcasting company;  they are thinking of running them through a large number of radio broadcasts, as I once wrote you.  However, they would like to have the opinion of Dr. Einstein, if possible, as to their reasonable value from the point of view of physics.  In other words, it is clear that they want to know they have a fairly good thing... Now, this plan of theirs is very far-reaching:  not only will it be broadcast (I mean the record) about 36 times,  but they will also try to put it on a national hook-up.  These people are very peace-minded, and I think that you ought to help us and them and the world, by putting this whole matter before Dr. Einstein.  This may be more than small potatoes for world peace;  not because I do the talking on the record, but because of circumstances in general.  So please let me know the following:
 a. Did anyone of note or repute like the records which I sent you and would they go as far as say that it would be fine to have them broadcast?
 b. Are you willing to receive now the new set (this set consists of only one record, large size, each side running 15 minutes;  it would have to be played on a special machine, as it is less revolutions per minute than normal as it stands...Do you know what I mean?  Any radio broadcast station could play them for you as a phonograph performance.  I think that you could arrange for some station to play them for you. 
  The reason why I now speak of this new recording is that it was timed exactly for the length of time (30 mins) that they would run it.  However, as I say, if you are a bit tired of getting records from me,  then at least make a remark regarding the other set and maybe the radio people will then say, "Well, Posin is okay in general, and so we can run any records of this type that he makes... or the very set the Einstein people have heard..."
  Please let me hear from you right away.  What is the wish?  
        Yours truly, 
           D. Q. Posin