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Poll, Leo, April 9, 1947.


Revision as of May 30, 2015 9:51:24 AM, created by

4141 Braodway Chicago 18, Illinois

  April/9, 1947

Emergency Committee Atomic Scientists Princeton, New Jersey.

My dear Einstein:

  Enclosed find check for $50.00 for the same purpose. I am writing to let you know I am willing to do all I can to put an end to this man-made hell in this world. 
  There are many diseases with which  humanity is afflicted - but none worse than war.   War is the worst cancer in human society--and if in cancer some of the mycroscopic cells that make up our body begin to run wild --the same can be said about some of the men that run wild in our society.
  The same thing that happens in our body when the cells run wild -- the same occurs to humanity when a few men run wild. 
  We must find the way to neutralize the few men that run wild - and unite the people to live together,  instead of destroying each other.  Humanity is one - not two - and when some one tries to split it great disaster will result. 
     Sincerely yours, 
         Leo Poll