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Polito, Marian, May 15, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 2, 2015 10:20:51 AM, edited by

                                                          MAY 17   RECD

May 15, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientist, Inc. 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Sir:

  Please accept the enclosed $2.00.  I regret I cannot do more towards your campaign of education to ensure that atomic energy will be used for the benefit of mankind and not for humanity's destruction.  Efforts of this kind are so desperately needed in a world evidently so slow in recognizing that men everywhere in the world are interdependent, and that the good of the individual depends on the good of the whole in the long run.  It would seem we must learn the hard way that chain reactions - as demonstrated so conclusively by the discoveries in this field - are not limited to physics alone. 
  I couldn't resist the above few words to echo some of the sentiments so much better expressed in your pamphlet, "Only Then Shall We Find Courage",  but the ramifications are so great that even I,  who can lay no claim to any, unusual intellectual powers, am aware of them and the importance of your great work and the nobility which inspired you and the group of other great men to be solicitous of its use in the interests of mankind. 
  I wish I could do more. 
           Sincerely yours,
                 Marian Polito

MARIAN POLITO 2944 W. Grand Ave. Chicago 22, Ill.