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Nekrassoff, V.A., February 16, 1948

Revision as of Jun 8, 2015 11:31:05 AM, created by

                                     3 page 
  They have died and as far as I am aware till the present day there was not a word published in the press about these particular ideas which nave been developed and taught by these two grand old men of Russian Science on a long span of at least 40 years since 1904-1907 in their numerous lectures, articles, memoires and books.
I wish to call your attention to these ideas!  Just at present it becomes more and more evident and urgent that unless the American people as a whole do become informed and educated so that they can chart the course of their own destiny in the Atomic Age - then the whole meaning of our life, as well as the mode of our life, and its institutions and expressions - all this is doomed to perish - and mind you - to perish not by the action of a foreign foe, but by default,  by our own hands! 
  Not less important is the fact that the necessity of this self-education by the people in the basic facts and the essential meaning of atomic energy becomes more and more popular, appealing to the interests of men in all walks of life. 
  My  own humble contention is that the enormous reading material published on this subject during the last 2 years for the benefit of a general reader (in this country) fails short of its purpose.  Among millions and millions of words referring to the Atomic Energy, its nature and our prospective handlings of it there is not a word mentioned about those momentous changes which are unavoidable hencefort in every day life of every human being! 
  If the Atomic Energy is not to become an integral part of our life routine like the air or the sunlight then the mankind does not need it!  It would be a shame and disgrace to sum up and squeeze the whole scientific progress into one more gigantic combine or merger organized for the exploitation of the Cosmic Energy within the bounds of our Solar System and for commercial sale of so many kilowatts for so many cents to the needy population of our planet! 
  On the other hand I must admit that my English vocabulary fails in providing me with more expressive words, than "disgrace" and "shame", which I have used just above, when I read the headlines in today's newspaper:  -  "Arms get Atomic Energy Priority in Policy set by Congress group!"...  The Joint Committee on Atomic Energy laid down " a firm policy", that the production of atomic weapons, rather than work on peacetime applications of Atomic Energy must be "the vital business" of our country! 
  There was nothing lately told or printed more harmful untrue and challenging, than one sentence that Congress wrote into the Atomic Energy Act: ....  "the effect of the use of Atomic Energy for civilian purposes upon the social, economic and political structures of today cannot now be determined...  The last four words must be replaced thus: ...  "should be now investigated without any less of time by the competent courageous scientists and discussed with the utmost publicity".