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Sevilla-Sacasa, Guillermo, Ambassador of Nicaragua, December 8, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 14, 2015 2:02:58 PM, created by


1024-T December 8, 1947

Honorable Albert Einstein Chairman, Emergency Committee

  of Atomic Scientists, Inc. Room 28, 

90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

My dear Mr. Einstein:

  I have just returned to Washington and find your November 29 letter on my desk.   I, of course,  share your grave concern over the seeming stalemate in vitally important negotiations on international atomic energy control and believe as you do that only international cooperation through effective institutions can ensure security against humanity's destruction. 
  Certainly your campaign of public education on the simple facts of atomic energy and its social implications is more than worthy of support and I am pleased to send you herewith my check for $100.00 to assist in the carrying out of this program. 
  The contributions you have made to the welfare and progress of humanity stand out in my mind as one of the most monumental personal achievements in our history and I have for a long time wished that I had an autographed picture of you to hang in my office.   If it is convenient,  I assure you that I will be deeply honored to have you send me a picture of yourself. 
  With heartfelt wishes for the success of the campaign and assurances of my desire to cooperate in the fullest,  I am 
     Sincerely yours, 
    Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa Ambassador of Nicaragua 

Enclosure: Check for $100.00