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Rodnick, Dr. and Mrs. David, March 25, 1947

Revision as of Jun 22, 2015 2:26:17 PM, created by

Chester, Conn. 25 March 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey


  Enclosed is a check for $5.00 toward your educational campaign to ensure that atomic energy will be used for the benefit of mankind and not for humanity's destruction.  We wish that the amount were larger.  
  In the event you might wish to have further names who might contribute toward the fund, I am listing the following: 
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Amis, Jr.
4537 N. Versailles Ave. 
Dallas, Texas 
Dr. Alice Hamilton
Hadlyme, Conn.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dichter
6 West 87th Street
New York, N.Y. 
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Knollenberg 
Chester, Conn. 
 Dr. & Mrs. Leon Greenberg 
10 Stimson Road
 New Haven, Conn. 
Mr. & Mrs. W.P. Bentley
Lorraine Avenue
Dallas, Texas
Dr. & Mrs. Seward Hiltner
411 West 115th Street
New York 25, N. Y. 
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Sweezy 
Wilton, New Hampshire
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Holbrook
Dogwood Hill, Albany Post Rd. 
Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y. 
Mr. & Mrs. John Tarlton
4737 Byers Avenue 
Fort Worth 7, Texas 
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. L. Purdy
1204 Claire Street
Austin, Texas 
Dr. Eliot Rodnick 
Worcester State Hospital
Worcester, Mass.
Dr. & Mrs. Seth Arsenian 
111 Manchester Avenue
East Forst Park
Springfield, Mass. 
   Yours sincerely, 
      David Rodnick
      Elizabeth A. Rodnick 
  Dr. & Mrs. David Rodnick