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Memorandum by Leo Szilard, May 27, 1947


Revision as of Nov 8, 2014 8:04:19 AM, created by

war and that a peaceful solution will not be possible if the people of each country are concerned only about the security and welfare of their own country. 8. That the most important single factory for making a peaceful solution possible is for the United States to become concerned about the security and welkfare of the people of other nations and to be willing to mobilize their moral and material resources for this purpose on an adequate scale. 9. That it might be necessary to make progress toward the ultimate solution of the problem of peace gradually but that no appreciable progress can be made by reaching agreements piecemeal. For instance, we ought to aim at an agreement which would include international control of atomic energy and other measures that will give the participating powers a reasonable degree of security but also include a far-reaching measures toward economic and cultural cooperation among the participating nations. 10. That in attempting to progress toward the ultimate solution of the problem of peace and the special circumstances of Russia ought to be taken into consideration and that the approach chosen should be such as not to rule out a priori the possibility of Russia's participation.