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Miller, Margaret A., February 13, 1948.

Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 7:43:37 AM, created by

$5 R Receipt#-19504 Charles B. 19505 204 W. Burleson Mrs. G. K. 19506 315 N. Wellington Avenue Marshall, Texas February 13, 1948 Dr. ALbert Einstein Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 118 Nassoau Street Princeton, N.J. Dear Dr. Einstein: May I express my appreciation for the great work you and your committee are doing. I shall try to arrange for a discussion of the literature at our American Association of University Women meeting. Although it is probable that Stalin will learn about this educational campaign or has done so already, can we be sure that he has? And would it be possibly helpful for him to know about it? At least, would it do no harm? If so, what do you think about sending him some of the literature directly from your office? I assume that you have considered whether there would be value in spreading this information as fas as possible, in other countries, including Russia, using the Voice of America programs and other means. Very sincerely, [signature] (Miss) Margaret A. Miller