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Levine, Louis, May 30, 1947.


Revision as of Oct 24, 2014 3:48:40 AM, created by

[Letterhead: Cornell University] [stamp: June 9 RECO] 30 May 1947 Dear Mrs Ray Today is Memorial Day in Japan - we must work against other Memorial Days for the dead in order that the living may not suffer - unless we take adequate steps to prevent war this theater is the opening scene of world war 3 - it is distasteful-loathsome but by rottenness-[illegible: vainousness?]-jealousy-bias-bigotry-prejudice spread by both [customs? authors?] most of whom are ignorant-intolerant-[illegible: miser?]-[hawaiaans?] - [illegible] we face a doubtful future - the Japanese are no bargain What are chances for membership in the Emergency Committee for Atomic Scientists - would most deeply appreciate some - God bless you - watch over you - Sincerely Louis Levine