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Levine, Louis, March 7, 1947.


Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 1:55:36 AM, created by

7 Mar 47 Dear Miss Fry This is to advise of a change in address and of my desire to be of any - every possible service as previously stated in my [commemorations? commendations?] to you - wish to be advised if my name can be placed on the list as a sponsor or co-sponsor of the Committee - would deeply appreciate the honor - if there is anything the Committee desires me to do in any way of contact - lecturing - will be most happy to do so - am now in the heart of Tokyo - not far from the Imperial [University?] - hope that the list of names that we sent to you in reference to monetary contributions proved fruitful - hoping this finds you in the best of everything Sincerely Louis Levine Address was 364 Rochester Ave in Brooklyn now: APO - 500 [c/o?] Postmaster San Francisco Calif.