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Jennings, Frances L., February 4, 1947.

Revision as of Jun 4, 2016 6:54:07 AM, created by

offer of help.

Frances L. Jennings 945 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles 14, Calif

February 4, 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey


I received your letter soliciting funds and phamphlet re-emphasizing the seriousness of the present situation. You are surely correct in writing to me as a sympathetic friend and as one who is extremely concerned with the turn events have taken. In a world where human beings persist in thinking along the old familiar lines even in the face of atomic facts which absolutely necessitate thinking along wonderfully new ones, it is a solace and inspiration to have man such as you to guide us. I am impelled to write this to you because I would not have you measure my interest nor gratitude by the size of my contribution. I am unable to give more at the present time, but you may be sure that I will continue to do whatever I can in the future.

If you have the time, you might be good enough to give me some advice. I am a young college graduate -- Stanford, class of '46. In college I studied political science with much earnestness. It is my desire to make application of my knowledge, and, most of all, to contribute whatever I may, at whatever cost, to the solution of this tangled maze of international relationships, war and atomic realities. Since leaving school I have worked ina secretarial capacity and have been very discontent in being outside of my primary interest. I have tried contacting some of the organizations working for international organization, but I have gotten no answer, either as to how I might devote all my time to them or as to what I might do in my own community. As I am unable at present to contribute financially, sure there must be some other way that I can help. I am adept in public speaking and in writing, and I certainly have the incentive and desire. Won't you advise me as to what I should do, or perhaps refer me to some other organization where I could get information?

And, once again, my sincere good-will and encouragement to you.

Yours very truly, Frances L. Jennings

2-21-47 Sent form [illegible] + receipt with PS referring her to [Aosprin?] (MCAI)