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Hoge, Esther, September 29, 1947


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1839 N. 53 Street, Milkwaukee 8, Wis., September 29, 1947.

Professor Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

Dear Sir:

You have honored me by asking me to co-operate with your Committee in working for a peaceable and united world. As a Christian, a librarian, and a citizen of one world I shall do what I can to help attain the peace we all long for, and to interest others in becoming workers also. Enclosed is a money order for twenty-one dollars, representing the contributions of several besides myself. I hope to send more as I am able.

Under separate cover I am sending you some unpublished verse, which bears on the problem facing us. If you, or anyone you refer them to, think their publication would aid our cause, I should be happy to have them so used, along with others I have written.

It may interest you to know that I appointed myself a one-person committee two years ago to publicize to individuals and groups Emery Reves' excellent "Anatomy of peace", and purchased twenty-five copies which I gave to individuals here and abroad. I am convinced, however, that a world state will be no better than the character of the individuals who compose it, and therefore I am also actively supporting, and giving preference to, groups and individuals who are working for a return to God, Who said, "I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." Isaiah 43:11. "For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shell perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted." Isaiah 60:12.

God hep us to know and do His will.

Sincerely yours,

Esther Hoge (signature) Esther Hoge