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DuBois, Mary N., November 28, 1947.

Revision as of Dec 24, 2014 2:53:01 AM, created by

Literature [O. O.?]

2000 E. Orange Grove Ave., Pasadena 4, California. November 28, 1947. 0

Emergency Commottee of Atomic Scientists, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N. J.

Dear friends:

Enclosed is a check I am glad to send if it will further the cause of peace in our world. I f it is possible to send any literature that I may pass around i shall be glad to do this or help in any other way.

Hoping for success in your splendid efforts, I am,

Sincerely Yours, [signature] Mary N. [DuBois?]

[handwritten footnotes follow] copies - Only Them

" At War [or?] Peace

Bull. Digest Atomic Science [Carl Jurgen?]