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Davis, Richard J., March 18, 1947.

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Richard J. Davis March 18, 1947

Box 587, Saratoga, Calif.

Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Incorporated 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Mr. Einstein:


In response to your letter of January 20, I am happy to make my small contribution to the work of your Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, with which I am fully in sympathy. As you state in your article which was enclosed there does not seem to be any answer to the present situation except through an active functioning of the brotherhood of man and yet I think you will agree with me that the brother-hood of man is not something that can be imposed upon nations and races unless they have approximated in a degree at least, some understanding of the fatherhood of God.

It is my earnest hope that you who are carrying your message of solemn import to millions of people through the medium of the radio, lecture platform, and the press will stress as most important of all, the necessity of a search on the part of all men for the things of spirit. This, regardless of creed or race. We have reached the end of things materially. The time has come to turn our thinking capacities toward spiritual truths. You may recall that Steinmetz, shortly before he died, said that the greatest discoveries of the next centuries would be in the realm of spirit. Perhaps the time has now come when his prophecy will be fulfilled.

With cordial good wishes,

Sincerely yours, Richard J Davis

RJD:q Enc.