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Davis, Charles H., August 1, 1946.


Revision as of Nov 18, 2016 6:02:08 PM, created by

Charles Davis Bass River, Cape Cod, Massachusetts New York Philadelphia Boston

Davis Atomic Bomb Defense Lunch Grand Ball Room, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, N.Y.C. 12:00 noon on date to be named: 300 or more scientists who developed the atomic bomb and over 2,000 leaders of industry, commerce, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, labor, social, government and armed forces of the U.S.A., military, naval, air, will be the guests of Davis and on the same day 17,757 honorary press sponsors being the Editors, or their representatives, of all the Publications in the U.S.A. who will be the guests of Davis at another meeting in New York City, N.Y. (Place to be announced) Davis will produce at both meetings his exhibits and proofs of his perfect defense against the use of atomic bombs in war. He will also show the method of its application and effective use. His defense is based on science, military might, industrial production, social and civic power - very simple so that he who runs may read!! Presenting the only Defense against the Atomic Bomb and the "know how" to use it by Charles (Henry) Davis, C.E., D.Eng.

Arthur H. Blanchard Member A.O.T.; A.I.M.E.; I.T.E.; A.S.C.E.; A.S.M.E.; S.A.E. Formerly Prof. Univ. Michigan; Columbia Univ. Atomic Bomb Defense Consulting Engineer

Harold J. Baily Atomic Bomb Defense Attorney

John Auerbach Public Relations Consultant Director

Mrs. Harry W. Buchanan, 2nd Trustee, Adelphi College Assistant Director

Mrs. Joseph E. Goodbar Associate Editor Director National Patronesses

Don R. Engle Executive Assistant to Charles (Henry) Davis

Herbert W. Moscow Publicity Director

Eric Palmer Press Director

Uriel Davis New York Publisher Public Relations Directory & Year Book Public Relations Director

Bass River, Cape Cod Massachusetts August 1, 1946

Prof. Albert Einstein Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton New Jersey

My dear Professor Einstein:-

I noted your advertisement in The Nation for July 6, 1946 and I want to support your organization to the extent of my opportunities and abilities and to that end I enclose herewith a check to the order of "Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists" in the sum of $100.00 as my contribution towards the work that you are doing.

I wish I could get your personal support in this work that I am doing by your acceptance of an Honorary Sponsorship as per enclosures for which I enclose a stamped addressed envelope for your kind reply and I hope it will be an acceptance which will be more than just appreciated for your name will carry great weight in bringing before me the audience that I must have that will enable the delivery of my DEFENSE as was the case with the Atomic Bomb. It took three years to bring together in one co-operative effort the army, navy, air force, wealth and productive capacity of this country to enable the delivery of the bomb. My DEFENSE, however, can be delivered by the same cooperative effort within 90 days as I will show at the time I present my exhibits proving that I have a perfect DEFENSE.

I trust for your interest and your co-operation.

With kind regards, Yours very truly, [signature]