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Chamberlain, Katherine, No Date.


Revision as of Apr 22, 2015 8:11:17 AM, created by

May 19 RECD WAYNE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF EDUCATION DETROIT 1, MICHIGAN COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey. Gentlemen, I want to thank you for the reprints of Dr. Einstein's article that you sent me for our meeting. We inserted a copy in each program and I am sure that they have done a lot of good. Enclosed is a copy of our program. The Mayor's proclamation is on the cover. We also had a telegram from our Governor. Everbody seems to be particularly impressed over the earnestness of our audience and the high calibre of the people who attended. By advertising extensively, it is not difficult to fill an auditorium in a large city for nearly anything but all too often the audience comes for nothing more than an hours entertainment. In this case, hover, the participating organizations got out their own membership. My inference is that everyone had been talked to by someone and urged to attend as a civic duty. As a result, the meeting was something long to remember. Cities ordinarily seem so cold and impersonal but this one made me feel as I made the closing remarks that it was my own home town. Meanwhile, many thanks for your help. If I can do anything to assist your enterprises in this part of the world, please let me know. Very truly yours, Katherine Chamberlain Professor of Physics.