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Brigham, Nelson A., December 8, 1947.

Revision as of Jan 13, 2017 11:23:01 AM, created by

The Pennsylvania State College Center Swarthmore, Pennsylvania December 8, 1947

Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

I have received your letter of November 26 concerning the views of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists.

I am head of the mathematics department at the above address. We should appreciate very much permission to publish your letter, together with the accompanying statement by the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, in our school paper.

If this permission is granted, we should be forced to delete the two sentences of the letter reading: "Friends have already subscribed nearly ........ in fulfilling our task." We cannot ask for funds in our publication. Otherwise the letter and statement would appear in their entirety.

We feel the publication of this material, together with a reference to your article in The Atlantic Monthly, will aid in bringing about among our students a much clearer understanding of the present crises.

Yours very sincerely

Nelson A. Brigham (Signature) Nelson A. Brigham