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Becker, Gustave, February 21, 1947, Typescript: My Affirmation, No Date.

Revision as of Oct 9, 2014 12:59:59 PM, edited by

Gistave L. Becker 1050 Amsterdam Avenue New York 25, N. Y. Feb. 21st, '47 Dear Mr. Einstein, When I recently wrote to you, sending my contribution to the world Atom control project and World-Peace. I remember stating that I would also enclose a sort of [?] of mine entitled "My Affirmation." Just now I discover that I had inadvertently left this out - so I now send this to you herewith - hoping you may approve of my point of view, even if you should not entirely agree. - Please let me know what you think of it. - I enthusiastically approve of Mr. [L?] chairman ship in the atom control board. Yours respectfully as well as cordially Gustave L. Becker.