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Gourse, Norman, July 22, 1946.

Revision as of Oct 26, 2016 1:27:31 PM, created by

DOWNTOWN BUSINESS GROUP The Welfare of the People is Essential for a Healthy Economy and World Peace S.W. Corner Broadway & Thomas Street (2nd Floor) New York 7, N.Y.

July 22, 1946

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists' 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.


I received your book "One World or None" comprising a group of essays on atomic energy.

It is an excellent job that should command the attention of all interested in international peace.

I do believe you have made the same blunder as other organizations (such as Society for Prevention of World War III). You have expended funds (including my hard-earned cash) to put out a fairly costly and voluminous book--which you send to contributors who are already sufficiently imbued with the spirit of your idea. Moreover, few buys executives have time enough to read even a fraction of the book.

If you had taken a few salient excerpts from each of the essays and incorporated them into simple forceful advertisements in the press--or embodied them in radio addresses--you would have undoubtedly reached a far wider audience with a chance of enlisting additional supporters. But the same small circle of friends seem to get steady doses of indoncrination--which should be applied elsewhere where needed. Funds spent wisely can bring in additional resources to permit expansion of the movement.

Hoping the above is received in the helpful spirit intended, I am,

Very truly ours, Normal Gourse