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Gibson, T.M., March 7, 1947.

Revision as of Oct 29, 2014 12:38:43 PM, created by

Los Angeles Calif. Mar 7th 1947 gibson

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scisenths 90 Nassau St. Princeton N.J.

Gentlemen: The enclosed Ten Dollar contribution to your Fund is my "widows mile" to a great cause. I am deeply concerned with the work you are doing, but, unfortunately, I am unable to contribute much to carry it - on. I am 79 years old, and for ten years, have had to walk on crutches. You will [illegible] that [illegible] dire consequences of failure of our leaders to follow are intelligent course, cannot mean much to me personally, nevertheless, I am convinced that the world is confronted by the greatest-danger in its history, and if I had a million, I would gladly give it all, if needed to aid in arousing people to a full sense of the realities. I am doing all I can in my community, to stir up interest in the idea of "One World or None", I wish your Committee every possible success and considering its roster of names, I am sure it cannot fail. I am, with Great Respect - Faithfully Yours T.M. Gibson 1941 Trosion Ave. Los Angeles Cal.