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Nekrassoff, V.A., February 16, 1948

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   Now, summing up my present letter - I beg of your kind attention directed to something which is not my own.  I assure you that there is not and cannot be any desire or intention in me  "to get something"  for me personally out of my devotion and reverence to the memory of these two great Russian thinkers.  
   Now, summing up my present letter - I beg of your kind attention directed to something which is not my own.  I assure you that there is not and cannot be any desire or intention in me  "to get something"  for me personally out of my devotion and reverence to the memory of these two great Russian thinkers.  

Revision as of Jun 8, 2015 11:48:34 AM

                       5 page 
  Now, summing up my present letter - I beg of your kind attention directed to something which is not my own.  I assure you that there is not and cannot be any desire or intention in me  "to get something"  for me personally out of my devotion and reverence to the memory of these two great Russian thinkers. 
  Just right now I am preparing the English translation of the Foreword to my book (7-9 typed pages) wherein a general idea of the book can be outlined. 
  My respectful request is:  will you be good enough to give me the opportunity to have my writing or saying placed before your Committee in any way suitable for you:
    1) I can send the whole book as it is in Russian.   
    2) I can send the English translation of the Foreword and
   3) I can (begging your pardon for my boldness!) appear in person before your Committee for nearing of my verbal report or review of the contents of my book. 
  To my shame I must confess that my English may be somewhat clumsy, but more than once I was told,  my English at times can be (with due reservations) placed in the class with...  Wagnerian music -  it seems to be better than it sounds... 
  I hope that Prof. J. von Neuman of the Institute for Advanced Study may corroborate at least the very fact of my existence in our Ballistic Research Laboratory,  where I am puttering more or less ingloriously with Mathematical Statistics and Interior Ballistics. 
  I do regret very sincerely that I was not able to make my letter shorter.

  Most respectfully yours
     V. A. Nekrassoff