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Crane, John V., No Date.


Revision as of Oct 23, 2014 4:41:47 PM
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Revision as of Jun 1, 2015 3:35:24 PM
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Dear [Mr?]. Einstein:
Duquesne Public Schools
Duquesne, Pa.
Athletic Committee
When your literature was sent in December(12) I placed it in the back of a desk drawer at school and today at noon I rediscovered and read the well written and stirring contents.<br />As a school teacher I send you a trifle largely to have have you know the spirit is willing. I am moved that so great a scientist behooves himself to take
John v. Crane
1400 Maryland Avenue
Dequesne, Pa.
Phone: 26841
Dear Mr. Einstein:
  When your literature was sent in December (12) I placed it in the back of a desk drawer at school and today at noon I rediscovered and read the well written and stirring contents.
  As a school teacher I send you a trifle largely to have have you know the spirit is willing. I am moved that so great a scientist behooves himself to take

Revision as of Jun 1, 2015 3:35:24 PM

Duquesne Public Schools Duquesne, Pa. Athletic Committee

John v. Crane 1400 Maryland Avenue Dequesne, Pa. Phone: 26841


Dear Mr. Einstein:

  When your literature was sent in December (12) I placed it in the back of a desk drawer at school and today at noon I rediscovered and read the well written and stirring contents.
  As a school teacher I send you a trifle largely to have have you know the spirit is willing. I am moved that so great a scientist behooves himself to take