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Blomfield, Jane Seymour, No Date


Revision as of Oct 17, 2014 7:15:14 AM
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Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 2:16:25 PM
edited by
Line 4: Line 4:
Dear Dr. Einstein
Dear Dr. Einstein
I appreciate [illegible] being one to receive your news on Atomic War or Peace and am glad to send my check to help in fulfilling so great a task. I read aloud to my husband your expressed views, - It was full of a deep understanding which
I appreciate it being one to receive your news on Atomic War or Peace and am glad to send my check to help in fulfilling so great a task. I read aloud to my husband your expressed views, - It was full of a deep understanding which

Revision as of Mar 11, 2015 2:16:25 PM

Dr. Albert Einstein Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein

I appreciate it being one to receive your news on Atomic War or Peace and am glad to send my check to help in fulfilling so great a task. I read aloud to my husband your expressed views, - It was full of a deep understanding which