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Donation; was heartened to read the McMahon Bill unanimously passed

Donation with request for literature (for distribution and for the library's collection); wants to exchange snapshots with Einstein and encloses a photo

Photo of Keith with inscription "To Dr. Einstein our ideal in science"

Shares that Emily Friedkin'smanuscripts was literate and moving; forwards the letter to Mr. Evans Clark

Letter delivering a check from Mr. J.H. Charroin mistakenly sent to the Seattle Star paper

Appreciates and can relate to ECAS, as he was a student of physical science; donation

Donation from him and his wife; wishes could contribute more

Expresses great appreciation for Einstein; wishes more people to call out the disservices of the politicians; people today are "economic voiceless serfs" unable to "utter a word against the power of their tyranny"; "the people's voice means nothing…

Donation; gives a list of names of her friends