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Corrects omissions from her previous letter

Thanks for the letter; recalls that she wrote to the Common Council for American Unity about some statements they made about ECAS; states that she also wrote to her attorney; encloses material

Shares that the Christian organization she is involved with does not support ECAS out of fear; states that their beliefs are pragmatic, though irrational

Requests materials for upcoming meeting of the Lincoln League of Women Voters. Encloses copies of publications of group regarding atomic energy.

Donation. Requests copies of program statement.

Donation and acknowledges support for ECAS work. Expresses that neither the Phelps-Stokes Fund, nor himself can provide any larger financial contribution at the time.

Donation and request for additional copies of literature to send to friends.

Provides a list of names for the committee to contact, and includes a donation.

Wonders why the orphans in Europe aren't given worldwide citizenship when the alternative is giving them a narrow definition of national origin with all its "selfish interests"; children should be given universal citizenship without restrictions as…