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Requests 25 copies of article about bombing of Hiroshima for distribution to parishoners; requests name be placed on mailing list

Seral Searcy (left) and John Searcy (right) pictured with other basketball players from Moro High School

Morris Lee Searcy (seated) and Owen Lester Searcy portrait as young boys

Thomas B. Searcy and Lena Searcy sitting for a group portrait with all eight of their children. From left to right, back row: Chester, Owen, Seral, Philip, John. Front row: Lena, Thomas (holding Helen), Morris, Nina.

Group shot of Moro High School baseball team. Chester Searcy on far left, John Searcy 2nd from right.

Philip Searcy (left) in WWI army uniform, Seral Searcy (right) in WWI navy uniform, posing in front of the Searcy farm house.