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Crop specialist, E.R. Jackman explaining variety differences of oats to a group of farmers on a farm crops tour in 1923.

Dillard Gates, Extension Range Specialist, inspects Sherman Big Blue Grass, Gilliam County, 1956.

George Hyslop certifying oats, circa 1919.

Don C. Mote, head of the Entomology Department, holding a strawberry plant, 1929.

Visitors and participants of the Douglas County fat lamb show, circa 1934.

A group of men arrive by boat for a community meeting in Douglas County, 1923.

Demonstrating a filbert harvester in Yamhill County, ca 1932.

Frank Ballard stopping for a break while touring farms.

A young boy operates a tractor during the WWII labor shortage in Polk County, ca 1942.