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Requests copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" and article by Christian Gauss to send to family members

Requests Einstein's home address in order to discuss personal matters with him; offers to produce list of 1,000 businessmen in Chicago for literature distribution; requests copies of all literature for himself

States he did not receive copies of Einstein's letter to the Russian Scientists; inquires about status of employment request

Requests 75 copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" for use in conjunction with upcoming sermon; states it is necessary to reconnect with God, and the only effective defense against atomic warfare is to not use the bombs

Suggests investigating positive possibilities of atomic energy for industry rather than just focusing on it's dangers

Discusses travel arrangments for Urey to meet with Mr. Moore of Standard Oil Development Company

Acknowledges and thanks for the receipt of the Hecht book

Donation; suggests a friend to send literature to

Expresses admiration for Einstein's wisdom, but denounces scientists for "their fiendish interest in creating damnable instruments for hellish purposes"; donation

Offers services from his organization which focuses on applying psychological information to businesses