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Acknowledgement and thanks for the donation; tells that they are planning a wider and more complete educational campaign; encloses an official receipt

Tells that Einstein speaks high of Mr. Benoit-Smullyan's article and suggests the Committee send him possible distribution

Thanks for sending the 25 copies of "An American Foreign Policy for Survival"

Thanks for the kind letter with an apology of the delayed response; tells that she will set aside Benoit-Smullyan's article for Einstein's attention; recommends Eistein's article "This Way Out"

Thanks for the support and cooperation

The Committee wants to receive twenty or twenty-five reprints of his article "An American Foreign Policy for Survival"

Message of Professor Albert Einstein to the Radio Audience of Warner Brothers-Station KFWB

In a letter addressed to "Corn" declines invitation to 50th reunion dinner; concludes that wars and depressions are caused by disregard of some natural law and encloses his notes on the subject

Donation with hope of more if living costs remain affordable; encloses copy of letter and memorandum explaining his views