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Requests 50 copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" for his students

Requests 250 copies of open letter from Soviet scientists and Einstein's reply for use in educational sociology department

Speaks at Oakmound Farm Bureau. Receives donation.

Informs ECAS that he would like to create a lecture recorded on a phonograph to be broadcast on the local radio station in Fargo. Provides outline of the lecture. Asks for guidance.

Donation; Einstein's use of word "ultimately" means something now

Lists organizations to whom he had distributed pamphlets. Also lists his speaking engagements from October 1946 to February 1947.

Given a talk to the Kindred, ND, Farm Forum. Requests 50 copies of pamphelts for them and 1000 copies of each ECAS pamphlet for upcoming lectures.

Reports that he spoke before three Methodist churches. They are "one of the strongest champions of world peace..." Encloses check for $25

Requests more pamphlets. Handwritten note indicates that he will speak before the "Fine Arts Club" and the P.T.A.

Long letter describing recent talks and a cold that he has suffered. Thanks Ray for securing the photograph of Einstein. Also, in the P.S. writes to let her know that the only reason he addresses letters to Einstein is because he cc's them to donors,…