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Expresses joy in the fact that scientists have organized an effort to stop atomic weapons; states he is not in a position to donate

Congratulates efforts to control atomic energy; offers that as a bedridden veteran of the first world war, he supports the efforts of the committee; wonders if too much time has passed since the bomb dropped

Requests copies of material including Einstein's article and Gauss' article

States that while she cannot contribute monetarily, she does everything she can to spread the message

Requests copy of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"

Requests additional copies of pamphlets for distribution; shares local high school salutorian quoted parts of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"

Describes appeals from various organizations; believes an educational approach is not wholly effective; asks for support

Requests 1000 copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage" to send to central and branch libraries