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High school boys are working on prune washer and sizer in the Minty plant.

Three junior high school members of Lovina Wilson's platoon are eating lunch after working in the fields. There were 42 in this platoon.

Coburg Farm Labor Camp residents watching a movie

The Hillsboro, Oregon farm labor camp was erected after World War II.

Mabel and Jessie Blackwell "wigwaming" fibre flax at the Benton County Flax Growers Cooperative near Monroe.

The farm labor camp tents were located near The Dalles, Oregon.

A portable hot water unit supplied hot water for the men's and women's shower tents shown in the rear and for clothes washing.

The county experimental hop yard recruited Oregon State College coeds for a quick job of hoeing.

The poster was sponsored by The Women's Land Army of the U.S. Crop Corps. The United States Government used the poster to recruit pickers to harvest the crops during the World War II years.