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German prisoners of war picking beans

A crew of 7 German prisoners of war are operating the potato bulker on the Frank Bell farm just across the state line in Tulelake, California.

German Prisoner-of-War at the Nyssa, Oregon, POW camp.

Ed Castillo, 12, left, and Kent Bradshaw, 13 both of Salem, walking with strawberry carriers. Ed picked 18 carriers and Kent 16 in one six hour day, at 42 cents per carrier. L.W. Scoggin Farm, Grand Island district of Yamhill County.

Victory Farm Volunteers parade through Hillsboro, Oregon, streets as part of the VFV Field Day.

Mexican workers holding the Mexican flag to celebrate the anniversary of Mexico's independence during the September 16 celebration.

Loading out operations at one of the Mexican camps in Umatilla County during cannery pea harvest. Farmers came in with their trucks early in the morning to take assigned crews of Mexicans to their own farms, and returned them to the camp after theā€¦