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Black and white photographic portrait of William Jasper Kerr. Kerr served as Oregon Agricultural College's sixth president from 1907-1932.

Black and white photographic portrait of William Jasper Kerr. Kerr served as Oregon Agricultural College's sixth president from 1907-1932.

Black and white photographic portrait of William Jasper Kerr. Kerr served as Oregon Agricultural College's sixth president from 1907-1932.

Black and white photograph of William Jasper and Lenora Kerr and family. Kerr served as Oregon Agricultural College's sixth president from 1907-1932.

Black and white photograph of William Jasper Kerr and Lincoln Steffins (speaker at Convocation). Kerr served as Oregon Agricultural College's sixth president from 1907-1932.

Black and white photograph of George Wilcox Peavy in the McDonald Rare Book Room. Peavy served as Oregon State College's seventh president from 1932-1940.

Black and white photograph of George Wilcox Peavy standing near Peavy Arboretum. Peavy served as Oregon State College's seventh president from 1932-1940.

Sepia photograph of George Wilcox Peavy wearing a backpack. Peavy served as Oregon State College's seventh president from 1932-1940.

Black and white photograph of George Wilcox Peavy standing on a cabin step. Peavy served as Oregon State College's seventh president from 1932-1940.

Black and white photograph of George Wilcox Peavy with forestry graduates. Peavy is kneeling in the middle of the front row. Peavy served as Oregon State College's seventh president from 1932-1940.