"The picture is, however, still very far from definite - she suggests various alternatives
and does not make any definite predictions." Linus Pauling. Letter to Warren Weaver. March 6, 1937.
"[Delbrück's] training in physics is good and he attacks biological problems in a
sensible way. He understands their nature, whereas Dr. Wrinch does not." Linus Pauling. Letter to Warren Weaver. February 23, 1938.
"It has been recognized by workers in the field of modern structural chemistry that
the lack of conformity of the cyclol structures with the rules found to hold for simple
molecules makes it very improbable that any protein molecules contain structural elements
of the cyclol type." Linus Pauling Carl G. Niemann. "The structure of proteins." Journal of the American Chemical Society, 61, 1860-1867. 1939.
"Deeply inspired by D'Arcy Thompson's ideas on form, Wrinch capitalized on topological
considerations. She proposed during the mid-1930s a honeycomb-like cage structure,
a cyclol, for native globular proteins. That the cyclol consisted of 288 amino acid
residues - and thus supposedly offered yet another independent source of evidence
for the Svedberg and Bergmann-Niemann units - only served to enhance the 'hypnotic
power of numerology." Lily E. Kay. The Molecular Vision of Life: Caltech, The Rockefeller Foundation and the Rise of
the New Biology (New York: Oxford University Press). 1993.
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