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Memorandum from Richard Marsh to Linus Pauling. October 1955.
Marsh writes to provide Pauling with the present values forthe proline ring in leucyl-prolyl-glycine, with reference to work being conducted by Alexander Rich and Francis Crick.


Here are the present values for the proline ring in benzyl-prolyl-glycine:

[Sketch of Chemical Structure]

The values are probably accurate to about 0.05 A and 5°, and hence are not useful.

The ring is nearly planar (within 0.1 A) (in contrast to hydroxyproline) and should stay that way. However, 8C shows large thermal effects and may conceivably be flopping through the plane; in this case, the “rest” position would be about 0.2 A out of the planar.

[Data figures]

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