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Memorandum from Rafael Pasternak to Linus Pauling. February 15, 1954.
Pasternak writes to propose an experiment meant to correlate the density, unit cell dimensions and chemical composition of collagen.


To: Dr. Pauling From: R. A. Pasternak Date: February 15, 1954

Subject: Collagen

As a result of a discussion with Dr. Corey and Dr. Schroeder I propose to carry on the following experiments in order to correlate the density, unit cell dimensions, and the chemical composition of a given sample of collagen:

A uniform piece of raw kangaroo tendon is swollen in water and split along the fiber axis. The one half is shredded finely to average out possible variations in composition and used for chemical analysis. The other half, which is reserved for the physical experiments, is slightly stretched to get a straight sample. Both samples are dried to constant weight over a saturated solution of K2C03 (relative humidity 44% at room temperature). The shredded sample will be sent away for a duplicate analysis of C, H, N, and of loosely bound water. The other sample will be photographed in the 10 cm. camera again over a saturated K2C03 solution, finally the density of this sample will be determined by floatation.

R. A. Pasternak

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