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Letter from Warren Weaver to Linus Pauling. March 11, 1937.
Weaver writes to thank Pauling for his thoughts on Dorothy Wrinch's work, to note Pauling's forthcoming trip to Cornell University and to suggest that he would mildly discourage a similar trip by Wrinch.


March 11, 1957

Dear Professor Pauling

Thank you for your comments on Dorothy Wrinch's work.

When the Royal Society paper appears, perhaps it will contain somewhat more definite ideas. If so, I shall again be interested in knowing your reactions.

I am very much interested to learn that you expect to be at Cornell the first half of next year. I know that Dr.Wrinch thought someof coming to this country again next year. I am afraid that I would be inclined mildly to discourage this trip, were she to consult me about it. She has a great habit of going about and stirring people up, when I think it is more important for her to stay at home and think through some of her own ideas to more definite conclusions.

Very cordially,

Warren Weaver

Prof. Linus J. Pauling

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, Calif.

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