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Letter from Linus Pauling to Warren Weaver. August 14, 1937.
Pauling writes to note the submission of their revised funding application and to update Weaver on recent news from Caltech. In particular, Pauling notes that the Crellin Fund will provide support for laboratory furnishings and that Alexander Todd is expected to spend a month at the Institute next year.


August 14, 1937

Dr. Warren Weaver

The Rockefeller Foundation

49 West 49th Street, New York

New York, New York


There was sent to you a day or so ago with a letter from Professor Millikan our revised application to your Foundation for a grant for the support of advanced study and research in organic chemistry at this Institute. We tried to incorporate your suggestions in this revision, and I wish to thank you for pointing out the several ways in which the plan could be improved.

You will notice that permission is requested for the expenditure of $4,000 for old journals and books. If this is contrary to the policy of your Foundation, please strike it out. I believe that if it were necessary, money could be raised for this purpose before long.

You will notice that permission is requested for the expenditure of $4,000 for old journals and books. If this is contrary to the policy of your Foundation, please strike it out. I believe that if it were necessary, money could be raised for this purpose before long.

A. R. Todd will spend the month of February here, arriving in Pasadena at the same time that I return from Cornell. He seems to be enthusiastic about the Institute, and all of the people who know him with whom I have talked have a very high opinion of him both as a leading young organic chemist working on biological substances and as a man. I am enthusiastic about the development of our work along the biological line and I feel that with both Todd and Niemann added to our staff we would be in a very strong position.

With best regards, I am

Sincerely yours.

Linus Pauling

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