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Letter from Linus Pauling to Warren Weaver. January 25, 1935. Pauling writes that he is pleased to learn of the Rockefeller Foundation's three-year
commitment to support his work. Pauling adds that he has already begun the experimental
investigation of hemoglobin but is suffering delays due to the difficulty of finding
pure substances for experimentation.
January 25, 1935
Dr. Warren Weaver,
The Rockefeller Foundation,
49 West 49th Street,
New York City.
Dear Dr. Weaver:
I need hardly say that I am very happy to learn from you that the Rockefeller Foundation
will provide support (in addition to that of the California Institute) for my researches
for three more years. I have delayed answering your letter for two weeks in order
that I might he able to tell you that we had already begun the experimental investigation
of hemoglobin; we have met with some difficulties in obtaining pure substances, however,
and so the investigation is not yet under way. As I have read about the problems
of biochemistry I have become more and more enthusiastic about the possibilities of
the application of our methods.
Dr. Noyes has told me that he heard that you would come West this spring; if so, I
hope to see you here, and if not, I shall probably call on you in New York at about
the time of the Washington meetings, which I hope to attend.
Very sincerely yours,
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