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Letter from Linus Pauling to Robert Corey. May 4, 1937.
Pauling discusses Corey's intended year-long stay at Caltech, noting that while he would very much like him to visit, he could not offer him a position at the end of the year. Assuming Corey still wishes to visit, Pauling discusses the various scientific instruments Caltech would be able to provide, and those which Corey would have to obtain through other means. Pauling suggests that Corey begin his stay at Caltech before Pauling leaves for a stay at Cornell University.


May 4, 1937

Dr. Robert B. Corey

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research

66th street and York Avenue

New York, New York

Dear Dr. Corey:

I would be very glad indeed to have you spend the year in Pasadena under the conditions mentioned in your letter. The Institute would give you an appointment as Research Fellow, without stipend, and would permit the free use of the apparatus and other facilities of our laboratory. On the other hand, I feel that it is my duty to tell you that so far as I can tell, there would be no possibility for you to be added to the staff at the end of the year.

We have available here apparatus for the preparation of Laue photographs and oscillation and rotation photographs, and a large spectrometer constructed by Dr. Sturdivant which has not yet been put in operation. Apparatus which we do not have and which you might well need for your work would include a Weissenberg camera, a simple spectrometer for the rapid measurement of intensities, special apparatus for taking powder photographs, etc. I would recommend that you bring with you apparatus of this type which you think is needed for your own work.

I shall be at Cornell from the end of September to the first of February. During this period Dr. J. H. Sturdivant will be in charge of the crystal structure laboratory and will present for the graduate students a course in crystal structure analysis. If you do decide to spend the year here, it might be good for you to plan to arrive before the 20th of September, in order that you may get settled in the laboratory before I leave for the East.

With best regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Linus Pauling


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