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Letter from Robert Corey to Linus Pauling. July 3, 1937.
Corey writes to convey his plans for joining Pauling's laboratory, including scientific apparatus that he has been authorized to transport and use in Pasadena.



July 3, 1937

Professor Linus Pauling

Gates Chemical Laboratory

California Institute of Technology

Pasadena, California

Dear Professor Pauling:

I have just received a statement from the Executive Committee authorizing the loan of certain apparatus and equipment for use in your laboratory under the fellowship next year.

The apparatus listed includes some of the x-ray tubes, spectrographs, special cameras, etc. developed here, and also a Weissenberg goniometer purchased from Berger in Boston. Although bought some time ago, the Weissenberg apparatus has never been set up for use, and I am hoping that it may find application to some problems which you have in mind for I should like very much to become familiar with this method of analysis.

I now plan to leave New York about the first of August and to drive across the country making several stops en route. I hope to be in Pasadena by September first.

If you have any further suggestions concerning my plans or other arrangements, they will be most welcome.

Very sincerely,

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