April 30, 1537
Professor Linus Pauling California Institute of Technology Pasadena, California
Dear Professor Pauling:
As you probably know, changes in the administrative policies of the Rockefeller Institute
have resulted in the decision that the department headed by Dr. Wyckoff is to be discontinued.
Although the liquidation is to be accomplished as speedily as possible, the Directors
are naturally desirous that those affected by this change be amply provided for until
they are able to establish themselves in new positions.
In a recent conversation with Dr. Gasser, who succeeded Dr. Flexner as Director of
the Institute, I was told that in order to provide me with more time in which to make
the necessary readjustment the Executive Committee will be glad to grant me a fellowship
for the coming year to be used in any institution where I could profitably continue
my crystal structure studies. In addition to a generous stipend, this fellowship
will also include an ample allowance for laboratory expenses and the use of much of
the equipment with which I have been working in case it would be of assistance to
I am wondering if it would be possible for me to spend the coming year as a worker
in your laboratory in accordance with these arrangements. I do not need to tell you
how greatly I should welcome such an opportunity, provided it meets with your approval.
I should be glad to ask both Dr. Gasser and Dr. Wyckoff to write you in my behalf
and to provide you with any additional details you may desire for your consideration.
Very sincerely yours,
Robert B. Corey