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Letter from Alexander Todd to Linus Pauling. July 28, 1939. Todd writes to his and his colleague's "enjoyment from reading 'The De-bunking of
Wrinch' by Pauling and Niemann!"
28th July, 1939
Dear Linus,
My intention to write you has crystallised since the latest number of the J.A.C.S.
arrived. I must say that I derived enormous enjoyment from reading "The De-bunking
of Wrinch" by Pauling and Niemann! It really was high time that somebody put the case
against the cyclol theory in definite terms, and I think that all chemists here at
least will welcome it. As far as I can see, the case is unanswerable and I shall be
intrigued to see that response, if any, it will evoke from Wrinch.
Alison and I were extremely sorry to learn from Hampson that you and Helen were not
after all coming to Europe this summer. I hope that you don’t intend to postpone your
visit very long and that the political affairs will quieten down sufficiently to make
Europe more attractive as a holiday resort in the near future. Things go on here in
the lab quite satisfactorily and we have several interesting schemes developing at
the moment, although there will be an interruption owing to the holiday season – an
interruption which I imagine will also apply in Pasadena, where I should think it
is a trifle warm at the present moment.
Best regards,
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