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Letter from Linus Pauling to A.A. Noyes. April 11, 1936. Pauling discusses the design and implementation of Caltech's bio-organic chemistry
program. He recommends designing a detailed plan of content, use and research and,
in 1937, presenting that plan to the Rockefeller Foundation as a request for grant-in-aid.
Pauling advocates caution when presenting Caltech's request, fearing a poorly designed
application might result in a dismissal by the Rockefeller Foundation
April 11, 1936
Dear Professor Noyes:
I wish to present some suggestions regarding the development of our work in bio-organic
chemistry in a more formal way than is possible by conversation.
I believe that it would be unwise to attempt to rush the Rockefeller Foundation in
the matter of providing support for this work, first, from the statements made to
me by Weaver last year and to Professor Watson this year it is clear that Weaver has
in mind a program of some magnitude, involving the support of one or two professors
of advanced status together with their assistants and collaborators, rather than a
small program involving young men at the beginning of their careers. Second, during
his visit here this spring Weaver said to me that it was desirable for us to wait
until February 1937 and then present a program covering my work and the work in organic
chemistry planned for the Institute, saying that he was sure that favorable consideration
would be given a project of this kind. I feel that our principal duty is to spend
the next year in a survey of the question and during this time to formulate a considered
program which can be presented in detail to the Foundation. The sums involved are
so large that it would not be wise to act hastily.
In regard to offering fellowships to young men for work during the coming year, I
feel that this might be done to a limited extent on the basis of funds available to
you, but that the Rockefeller Foundation should not be drawn into this project.
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
LP: mrl
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