Oxford, England
Jan. 31, 1948
Professor G. W. Beadle
Kerckoff Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
Pasadena 4, California
Dear Beets:
I have been getting along well here at Oxford-getting work done on some new ideas
on molecular structure. We are all settled now in a house (an apartment, rather),
and are enjoying life. The weather has not been bad - not cold, but rather wet.
I am writing to you especially now about an idea that turned up in conversation with
Mirsky in New York. He pointed out to me that there is no possibility whatever that
Northrop would go to New York to work in the Rockefeller Institute Laboratory there,
and that, of course, the Rockefeller Institute is committed to continue to support
him and his work until he reaches retiring age, a few years from now. The idea is
that if we could make suitable laboratory space available to him and Dunitz and whatever
other people might be working with Northrop, then the Rockefeller Institute would
without doubt continue to pay the salaries of both men and perhaps other assistants
for Northrop, and might possible even contribute to the laboratory expenses - there
is a reasonable chance that Northrop's regular budget would be continued until his
I think that it is quite probable that Northrop would be enough interested to live
in Pasadena, under circumstances that please him, to accept such a position, and that
the Rockefeller Institute would continue support. Would you look into this matter,
talk it over with Leo, and take whatever action seems indicated.
With best regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
[Linus Pauling]
Linus Pauling:par