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Letter from Linus Pauling to Mrs. Helene Landsteiner. June 30, 1943. Pauling writes to express his "feeling of very great personal loss" in learning of
the death of Karl Landsteiner. Pauling further conveys his feelings as to the profound
impact that Landsteiner made upon the work of many scientists, including Pauling.
June.30, 1943
Dear Mrs. Landsteiner:
It is with a feeling of very great personal loss that I have learned of the death
of Dr. Landsteiner. He has been one of the great men of our age not only in his
own contributions to science and human welfare but also in his influence on other
people, and especially on younger scientists. My own debt to him is very great -
my work in recent years not only has been based on Dr. Landsteiner's researches, but
also resulted directly from his direct inspiration and encouragement.
I extend to you, dear Mrs. Landsteiner, my heartfelt
Sincerely yours,
Linus Pauling
cc of original letter sent to Mrs. Landsteiner
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