"Just as evolution is inseparably connected with Darwin (and not with Wallace, whose
paper on evolution prompted Darwin to write The Origin of Species), so too Pauling
and the chemical bond are tightly associated, and Slater's position, though important,
is secondary and supportive." Robert J. Paradowski. The Structural Chemistry of Linus Pauling, pg. 333. 1972.
"Pauling's paper on bond energy and electronegativity proved to be highly influential.
The qualitative concept of electronegativity as the ability of an atom in a molecule
to attract electrons to itself was an old one. Early in the twentieth century, it
was associated in a crude way with the metallic or non-metallic character of an element,
or with its place in the activity series of the metals. The importance of Pauling's
paper derives from the fact that he was the first person to put this property on a
numerical basis." Robert J. Paradowski. The Structural Chemistry of Linus Pauling, pg. 450. 1972.
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